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Therapeutic IV Infusions

IV Therapy is a wellness solution of intravenous infusions containing high dosages of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals and detoxifying agents (for heavy metals)for the treatment of a variety of ailments.
Our levels of regeneration deplete at an accelerated rate when there is an increase in toxins within the body, Therapeutic infusions are a part of Restorative Medicine which focuses on assisting or recalibrating the body's built-in mechanisms, rather than circumventing them.
The body cannot correct the problems on its own, but they can be corrected with restorative medical treatment since there is little, if any, permanent damage.

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Chelation Therapy

What is Chelation Therapy

When metals like lead, mercury, iron, and arsenic build up in your body, they can be toxic. Heavy metal poisoning occurs when the body's soft tissues absorb toxic amounts of these metals. Chelation therapy is a treatment that uses medicine to remove these metals so they don't make you sick.

Chelation therapy involves substances known as chelators. These substances bind heavy metals and remove them from the body.

How does Chelation Therapy work?

Chelation therapy is the administration of a chelating agent or a type of drug called a chelating agent. Some common chelators include ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), dimercaptosuccinic acid, and dimercaprol.

Some chelators remove some metals better than others.

Chelating agents work by binding metals in the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, it circulates there and binds with the metal. Thus, chelating agents collect all heavy metals into compounds that are filtered through the kidneys and excreted in the urine.

Chelation therapy is a very effective way to remove several heavy metals from blood, including:

IV Nutritional Therapy

What Are the Benefits of IV Nutritional Therapy?

IV nutritional therapy can provide enormous health benefits depending on the condition(s) being treated,the specific protocol(s) used, the number of treatments and the overall health of the patient being treated. In many respects, IV nutritional therapy is a preventive aging measure since it improves the nutritional content inside of the cells.

Some of the specific benefits that patients may experience include:

IV therapy is so powerful that many patients report many of these benefits within hours of receiving the treatment. Some conditions including chronic diseases like Fibromyalgia require periodic treatments in order to maintain the benefits.

What are the IV Therapies We Offer

Wellness IV Therapy

Elevate your energy levels and feel revitalized with our Wellness IV Therapy. This infusion is tailored to support your body's needs, promoting optimal functioning and overall well-being. Whether you're battling fatigue, recovering from illness, or simply seeking an immune boost, our knowledgeable staff and top-notch equipment ensure a comfortable and effective experience.

Skin Rejuvenation IV Therapy

Achieve healthier, luminous skin with our Skin Rejuvenation IV Therapy. Harnessing the power of antioxidants like glutathione, this therapy supports cellular health and combats pollutants and free radicals that contribute to aging. Experience the anti-aging benefits of glutathione as it promotes detoxification and cellular healing, leaving your skin glowing from within.

Immunity Booster IV Drip

Stay healthy year-round with our Immunity Booster IV Drip. Fortified with vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants, this infusion strengthens your immune system and replenishes vital fluids. Hydration therapy ensures optimal performance of your body's systems, while immune-boosting nutrients like vitamin C and zinc help ward off seasonal illnesses.

Hydration IV Therapy

Experience the ultimate hydration with our Hydration IV Therapy. Designed to replenish fluids and electrolytes directly into your bloodstream, this therapy provides rapid relief from dehydration symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. Feel the benefits of improved focus, mental clarity, and glowing skin with each session.

Rejuvenation Therapy

Support optimum wellness and maintain youthful vitality with our Rejuvenation Therapy. Rich in antioxidants, this anti-aging solution detoxifies the body and promotes cellular healing. Glutathione, combined with vitamin C, helps combat free-radical damage and supports healthy hair, skin, and nails.

Hangover Relief IV Drip

Combat the effects of a night out with our Hangover Relief IV Drip. Formulated to replenish your body's vital nutrients and fluids, this infusion helps alleviate symptoms of dehydration and fatigue, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Detox IV Drip

Cleanse your body from the inside out with our Detox IV Drip. This infusion combines powerful antioxidants and detoxifying agents to rid your body of harmful toxins and promote cellular rejuvenation. Feel revitalized and refreshed as you support your body's natural detoxification processes.

Slimming IV Drip

Achieve your weight loss goals with our Slimming IV Drip. Formulated to boost metabolism and support fat burning, this infusion helps accelerate your slimming journey. Combined with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, experience enhanced results and improved overall well-being.

Vitamin Booster IV Drip

Replenish your body's essential vitamins and minerals with our Vitamin Booster IV Drip. Tailored to address nutrient deficiencies and support overall health, this infusion provides a quick and efficient way to boost your well-being and energy levels.

Menstrual Support IV Drip

Alleviate menstrual discomfort and fatigue with our Menstrual Support IV Drip. Formulated to replenish lost nutrients and balance hormones, this infusion helps ease symptoms associated with menstruation, allowing you to feel your best throughout your cycle.

Vegan Drip

Maintain optimal health on a vegan diet with our Vegan Drip. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals often lacking in plant-based diets, this infusion supports overall well-being and vitality for vegans and vegetarians alike.

Glow IV Drip

Achieve radiant, glowing skin with our Glow IV Drip. Formulated with antioxidant-rich ingredients, this infusion helps combat free radical damage and promote collagen production for a youthful complexion.

Athletic Performance IV Drip

Enhance your athletic performance and recovery with our Athletic Performance IV Drip. Designed to replenish electrolytes, reduce inflammation, and promote muscle recovery, this infusion supports peak physical performance and overall fitness.

Travel Fatigue IV Drip

Combat the effects of jet lag and travel fatigue with our Travel Fatigue IV Drip. Packed with energizing nutrients and hydration, this infusion helps rehydrate your body and boost energy levels, allowing you to feel refreshed and ready to explore.

Recharge IV Therapy

Revitalize your body and support your immune system with our Recharge IV Therapy. This nutrient-rich infusion replenishes essential vitamins and minerals, providing a quick and efficient way to boost your energy levels and overall well-being.

Antioxidant IV Drip

Combat oxidative stress and support cellular health with our Antioxidant IV Drip. Packed with powerful antioxidants like vitamin C and glutathione, this infusion helps protect against free radical damage and promotes overall wellness.

Brain Boost IV Therapy

Enhance cognitive function and mental clarity with our Brain Boost IV Therapy. Formulated with nootropic agents and essential nutrients, this infusion supports brain health and sharpens focus, making it ideal for students, professionals, and anyone seeking mental performance enhancement.

Mood Support IV Drip

Balance your mood and promote emotional well-being with our Mood Support IV Drip. This infusion combines mood-stabilizing nutrients and amino acids to support neurotransmitter function and alleviate symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression.

Sleep Aid IV Therapy

Improve sleep quality and promote relaxation with our Sleep Aid IV Therapy. Packed with calming agents and natural sedatives, this infusion helps regulate sleep patterns and induce restful sleep, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Energy Boost IV Drip

Increase vitality and combat fatigue with our Energy Boost IV Drip. Formulated with energizing nutrients and B vitamins, this infusion provides a quick and efficient way to replenish energy levels and enhance physical performance.

Joint Health IV Therapy

Support joint health and reduce inflammation with our Joint Health IV Therapy. Packed with anti-inflammatory agents and lubricating compounds, this infusion helps alleviate joint pain and stiffness, promoting mobility and overall joint function.

Hair, Skin, and Nails IV Drip

Enhance the health and appearance of your hair, skin, and nails with our specialized IV Drip. Formulated with collagen, biotin, and other essential nutrients, this infusion supports collagen production and promotes healthy growth and repair of hair, skin, and nails.

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